Анимация снеговика Снеговик

It's knowing you're
"somebody special" today
And waiting to see
what the hours bring your way,
Forgetting the things
that you don't like to do
And doing the things
that seem pleasant to you?
It's enjoying those
marvellous little surprises
That come from all over,
in all shapes and sizes -
a phone call or letter
that brings you delight,
warm wishes and greetings
from morning till night -
It's making a wish
as you blow candles out
And having so much
to be happy about
That you can't help but dream,
as the hours slip away,
Of many more happy
returns of the day.
Категория: Поздравления | Просмотров: 1753 | Добавил: Масянька | Дата: 13.06.2011 | Комментарии (13)